facebook api php logout
php - I get an error after I log out of my facebook api application.26 Jul 2011. Facebook has an endorsed PHP Facebook API wrapper located here at. if ($ user) { $data['logout_url'] = $this->facebook->getLogoutUrl();.
php - Facebook SDK logout not working - Stack Overflow.27 May 2012. How to use the Facebook PHP - SDK (With code examples). API call each time https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2011/05/13/how-to-.
logout link is not working in facebook PHP SDK - Stack Overflow.
facebook api php logout
How to logout facebook-connect PHP - Stack Overflow.
Using the Facebook API with Codeigniter | jondavidjohn.com.26 Jul 2011. Facebook has an endorsed PHP Facebook API wrapper located here at. if ($ user) { $data['logout_url'] = $this->facebook->getLogoutUrl();. I'm using Facebook PHP SDK to implement authorization through Facebook Connect on my website. It works fine, however, when a user logs. I have the following code (with my facebook.php correctly added in, appId and appSecret .. Facebook API Logout of my app but not facebook. Hi im new to the facebook api and have managed to get a user to login using. https://www.facebook.com/logout.php?next=http:/ br>17 May 2011. I've been testing the facebook php-sdk for a while and I had some problems with it.. Arquivado em: php, webdev | Tags: api, facebook, graph, login, php, .. 1. specify a return_url for the logout: this is a parameter you specify.
facebook php-sdk not logging out - Stack Overflow.I'm using the Facebook PHP-SDK to sign in users and it works fine. I'm having a problem logging users out correctly. After clicking the logout.